

Index of Poems

     All That Is Never Gets To Be You Again
     As It Dissolves Away
     I'm No Warrior
     I Will Let You Go
     Losing One We Love
     My Wish
     No Reason At All
     The Life That Is Out Of Focus
     There Is No Way To See
     There's Water Flowing Just Outside
     This Is The Time When Things Are Gloriously Passing Away
     Tomorrow Morning

Poetry Excepts


You are singular, distinctive
A superlative version of something that has never been before
And will never be again...
(from All That Is never gets to be you again)


A tangle of emotion,
Each moment spent in opposition to itself.
This is losing one we love...
(from Losing One We Love)


there's water flowing
just outside
I hear it too and I swear
it will sustain you...
(from There's Water Flowing Just Outside)


The presence of death
Weakens all
Carefully crafted presentations...
(from Death)


I get all tangled up in this
And I reach for razors and cutting words
To hack my way out...
(from No Reason At All)


I cannot remember the melody to sing your kind of peace.
Because I can no longer fathom death as the enemy.
I can no longer believe we, in our fitful passage, reap a bitter harvest of sin...
(from My Wish)


when I travel to meet Her
I am nothing but dismembered muscle
raw and tender, leaking the wine of my soul...
(from The Life That Is Out Of Focus)


i've felt tender shoots brushing my face and poking through where i cannot go
and i've wondered if i too should endeavor to grow through small openings...
(from There Is No Way To See)


Now they must sleep, they must regroup.
They must store up the energy that will blind forth next spring,
In the eruption of creation...
(from This Is The Time When Things Are Gloriously Passing Away)


when I reach out to you
it's like a circuit is completed
and I am charged again with love...
(from Tomorrow Morning)


I'm no warrior. I simply left the fools to their battlefield.
But you linger.
You did not turn...
(from I'm No Warrior)


I have always touched you lighter than a feather,
I have been afraid to mar the illusion of our perfection.
I have always let what you could give be all I deserved...
(from I Will Let You Go)


As it dissolves away
I am drawn to the trailing strands
Of feeling your depth.
(from As It Dissolves Away)
