Bearsong Lyrics

[Lyric and Information Index]

Music - Lē Isaac Weaver
Words - Lē Isaac Weaver
Performed, mixed and recorded by Lē Isaac Weaver



Far away a widening circle that is many strong but very young,
reaches out across the distance with a song.
You are asked to join us later but it shouldn't hurt if our relating
gives you just a nudge to help your world along.

How can you know to trust and believe in songs like dreams, love in streams?
Hope will lift your heart, you'll sing in full part harmony melodies.

We will wait 'til you remember our love is more than dying embers
We will wait, you'll hear our voices in your song.
You see your world she looks so barren but she's custom made to grow awareness.
She's always singing, you could learn to sing along.

You will soon know to trust and believe in songs like dreams, love in streams.
Hope will lift your heart, you'll sing in full part harmony melodies.


So what does it mean?


There is hope here.

It's so easy to forget. It's so easy to get wrapped up in the tales of woe that circulate around our lives. It's so easy to overlook the quiet whisper of truth that never stops.

There have been loving, gentle, good, holy, tender people inhabiting our sphere since time began. Their works inform our existence. Their spirits may yet swim in these waters. What they drew upon is available to all of us.

They believed in a reality that was more than what we can prove is real (songs like dreams). They knew that love is a flowing river and we can, everyone of us, bend down and drink whenever we are thirsty.

When we learn to believe in all of this, when we let our minds stretch to believe All That Is, we will feel hope, and we will learn to become more than just our current vision of ourselves as separate entities. We will be empowered, encompassed, enriched by all who have come before. We will learn to sing our own melodies in full part harmony.

[Lyric and Information Index]


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